5 November 2011

Travel Series: Paris

I have previouslyposted some ‘sightseeing’ photos from my recent trip to Paris {although it seems like a lifetime ago now}
Oh, for what I would do, to go back to sipping wine, eating baguettes and strolling along the seine, looking at all the market stalls again {that’s it, I have to book another trip} It was so good to get away for the weekend, and just chill out and like I said before, drink lots and lots of wine J
So, I am sharing a few more of my favourite ‘snaps’ from the weekend.


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  1. Fantastic shots of Paris, I have never been but am desperate to go! Recently followed your blog and am really enjoying thanks for all the good reads...


  2. I'm going to paris for NYE, won't be as lovely and sunny for me as it was for you. Great photos, you are so pretty!



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