It’s been one of those weeks so far that nothing much has been done. The washing is still in a pile in the spare room, the dishes are piling up in the sink, and the stairs need a good old hoover. I haven’t even ventured out much, only for the weekly food shop and an obligatory netball match {which we won, thank-you}
This week finally bought in the first chill of the season, and I even bought out last winter’s Mac {I will refuse to wear my thick jacket until at least December} I have changed from pumps to boots, and have started wearing my new knits to keep my cosy. The heating has finally been turned on {but only for a few hours at a time, we are not made of money you know!} and my slippers are on {okay, for those that know me, will know that the minute I step foot in the front door my slippers are straight on my feet, come summer or winter.} So with the change in climate I think it has just made me really nostalgic, and all I want to do is stay in and cuddle up with Si with a warm mug of ribena.
I think once this week of laziness is over, we will have to get back to finishing our house. We have given ourselves the deadline of Christmas to get it completely finished, but there are loads of little things to get finished {and many bigger things} I am finding it so hard to get motivated to finish our home, when it was so easy to start with. We were told, or should I say warned, that we should finish everything before moving in {as we were in the comfort of our parents while we refurbished} but we were SO desperate to move in after 3 months of refurbishments, that we just went for it, leaving all the little bits to do once we moved in. 6 months later we still haven’t finished {or hardly started} We have spent the summer holidaying, seeing friends, exploring Brighton, and generally enjoying living with each other, to worry about if the hall skirting is painted and glossed {yawn}
But now the evenings are drawing in, and the weekends are cold and rainy, now is the time to get back onto wagon and finish our baby off. We will do it.