Forgive my lack of post this week friends. I’m going to be
honest and tell ya that I have spent the week in Si’s old clothes, as I have
been painting up a storm in the house, a white storm. I may have pinterest to
blame for it, but since we have found out we are staying put for at least
another 2 years I am determined to get the house finished pronto, so we can
enjoy it all before we sell (if we sell, who knows?)
So it’s Thursday. I have one white room ready to be made
homely and the rest of the house a tip, as I can never seem to just start one
job at a time. I could win a medal for the amount of projects I’ve started, and
got bored half way through, to then start another. I’m a nightmare.
Happy Thursday people (one more day to go, one more day to go goooo)
p.s this picture is of the gorgeous Brighton lanes early one sunny morning (my favourite place)