3 December 2011

a christmas tree

I couldn’t wait any longer; I mean I couldn’t wait at all. Back at home we used to put the tree up 2 weeks before Christmas, so that’s what I had in my head. But then I remembered, I am in my own place now, so technically I can do what I want. So I made the decision to go out and buy my first REAL tree {which took a lot of persuasion and puppy eyes with Si} and spent all night decorating the tree with my 220 baubles {yes I went slightly mad} Oh and might I add I done this all whilst watching Love Actually {melt} let’s just hope the tree lasts until the big day.

Has anyone else got their tree’s up yet?

{Tweet me or Follow why don't ya }


  1. Yes! I did the exact same thing this year, and put up my tree as soon as I could! It cheers you up so much doesn't it

  2. I am incredibly jealous of your tree, not yet to put ours up yet and need the festive decoration of a tree in your living room :( yours looks lovely x x x

  3. I have my little 3ft £3 from asda tree up and I adore it! I'd love a real tree one year though!

  4. I just set up Christmas tree today!!!
    I love how colorful your tree came out!! very lovely!!


thanks for all your lovely comments. I always make time to read them. Please leave your blog link so I can check yours out! Much love x