19 July 2012

ozzie travels

ahhh, Brisbane. It was a pleasure to come across your beautiful city, full with cosmopolitan charm and sophistication. We only spent 2 whole days here, but finally the sun shone, and it was actually warm on the skin. A feeling I hadn't felt in a long time. We took Brisbane in our stride, and enjoyed the scenery of the south bank, and the botanical gardens whilst lapping up the sun and getting stuck in to a good old book (or kindle in my case)

I loved Brisbane, and if I had to pick a place to live in Oz, I would have to pick here.

p.s not many pictures where taken, due to unforseen circumstances (cough cough* sunbathing)

(other posts - Sydney, Fraser Island, Byron Bay)


  1. this is such lovely place <3
    would you like to follow each other?

  2. Gorgeous pictures! Thanks for brightening my day :)


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