12 March 2012

only me

Blouse - Primark / Jeans - Miss Selfridge / Boots - New Look

The money fairy didn’t like me last Thursday. Not only did she make me pay over the odds for Labrinth tickets on ebay {he was AMAZING by the way} she also forced, as in pushed me and made me buy lots of new summer clothes {eeek} she also wanted me to get fat and made me buy, not one, but two Millies cookies. I was already telling this money fairy off, and that she had had enough for one day. I thought she had listened, but no, I had obviously done something to piss her off. Maybe she heard about the amazing deal I got on toilet rolls in ASDA, or the fact I ALWAYS buy my make up from boots, just so I can get the points. I think I can even pin point it down to the time I flew to Venice for just one pound, which must have got her knickers in a twist. But anyway just when I was on a high {not just from my Millies cookies} and was all ready to set off to the Labrinth concert, I turned on my car, placed my foot on the clutch, and, snap, FML!£$%@*# She knew how to get me back alright. So after waiting a few hours  in the car park {thank the lord for Haribo} we were towed home and left with a nice little bill. On the upside we did make the gig, even though we missed half of it, it was still worth it. Moral of the story, well always carry sweets and make sure you have breakdown cover. 


  1. Oh no! your poor car, and poor you! Glad you got to some of the gig tho!
    This shirt looks way nicer than primarni!

  2. That blouse is really pretty, x

  3. Sorry to hear about your car! Glad you still made the show though. Love your outfit, that shirt is so pretty! And you're beautiful!


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