8 March 2012

growing up

Did you know I used to be allergic to boys? Like it was an actual disease and if any boy got too close, I would break out in big pussy green spots, hyperventilate and struggle to breath. Nah, only joking but I did go through a stage of not wanting to be near any boys what so ever. My friends and I would run around the playground holding our arms in a cross shouting ‘we hate boys, don’t come closer’ gosh I was such a hoot when I was 9. I was a chav before chavs even existed. I was a total tom boy and for some un-beknown reason I was always being asked out by other boys in the playground. I was too busy to worry about having a boyfriend you would never actually talk to, and maybe hold hands with just once in the playground without exchanging glances, to then be dumped via his best mate. Oh no I was too busy making up secret clubs and games with the girls I had way more important things on my mind, like appointing myself leader of the ‘S gang’ {okay so it was just myself and Sammi who where members- S gang- do you get it?} and running ‘The Dolphin hotel’ all by myself from my bedroom/reception. Wow I loved imaginary games. But what I love is that I haven’t totally grown out of being a kid, and I think that’s what keeps me grounded and on top of things. I’m kinda glad I had a ‘boy disease’ growing up; I think it’s made me a better person and girlfriend for it.

 p.s above are some of late from instagram.


  1. Ha, this post is brilliant. I always played made up games and ran around like a crazy person instead of flirting with boys - but who flirts when they're 9? Wierdos, that's who ;)


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