13 February 2012

so...does this make me a fashion blogger?

top/dress - Primark / Cardigan - H+M / Skirt - H+M / Necklace - Urban Outfitters

So, last month when I sat there nursing my 'food baby' from the HUGE amounts of Chinese takeaway we ate to celebrate the year of the dragon {a cunning plan I know} I stated that I would not have another Chinese until the next new year. Well I am ashamed to say that after much persuasion {or none in this case} that I shamelessly caved in and devoured vast amounts of food with the girls {hello, return of the food baby} it was perfection.

Also, much to my embarrassment I staged my first mini photo-shoot in the wonderful scenic surroundings, off my back garden. Yes, I was nervous and very cautious off my nosey neighbours, but oh well. I have a plan in place for a big fashion segment in the month of March, so keep posted for more info.

How was everyones weekend then? 


  1. love your outfit and colour combination :)

  2. I get pretty embarrassed about people/neighbours watching too!! Gorgeous pics though :D x

  3. such a cute outfit! yellow is perfect to bring on spring!


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